Published on June 21, 2001 By Nuvem In WinCustomize Talk
Ok, time to get a bit serious here.

Two days ago Alexandrie contacted me with this 'XPutnik' wall for a joke. It was my Sputnik wallpaper modified with the XP logo and lettering. When I saw it I couldn´t stop laughing and I uploaded it as a joke to all the XP stuff we have here at Wincusto lately. After that I saw Jafo´s post and we started to fool around trying to get Nicole with the worst wall ( I won, mine is worse than his:) )
To my surprise, that wall went to 1º in the top 10, I went speechless!!! I mean, that wall is the worst thing I´ve ever made since I learned to draw a cow when I was fourteen. At first I was amused, now I feel a bit sad with all this. I have some good walls here that took many hours of work and didn´t even make the top 10 and this piece of crap gets 1º. THIS IS SAD.
From this I can make some conclusions and I´ll share them with you fellow skinners/artists just to express what I feel with this whole thing. It is not my intention to offend XP skinners or users that like and download this kind of stuff.

1- People do like swirls, lens flares and other crappy filters that only take a good graphic app and 5 seconds to do. You don´t need to have any kind of skills, and don´t need to be creative.

2- If you want to show up in the top 10, the only thing you need to do is to imitate the latest Microsoft OS look.

3- If you do this imitation in blue, the possibilities to get into the top 10 increase considerably.

4- This XP stuff is overlooking good skinners/artists that try, and are creative in their work. the chances to get into the top ten are diminished if you don´t do XP related work or aren't a very popular skinner.

5-All this XP madness is being a negative to this site and should be moderated. There is no creativity, no skills needed and as this friend of mine told me, it wouldn´t happen at old

6- I´ll delete my XPutnik wallpaper now, my intention was to do an ironic joke and by the number of downloads it is very clear that my point here was not accomplished.

7- Nicole is mine, she´s actually in the kitchen making us a lasagna and we´ll go to a movie later:)))))
Comments (Page 2)
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on Jun 22, 2001
craeonics sees my point proven that 90% of the world has no taste whatsoever
on Jun 22, 2001
treetog...we have quite a few world-renowned Aussie women worthy of note..[in the purely aesthetic sense]... Nicole Kidman, Kylie Minogue and Elle McPherson are three that spring to mind..
I, however, shall never forgive Nuvem for stealing Nicole from me....[I have met, and spoken to the other two]. He is beneath contempt. I demand satisfaction....pistols at dawn...
on Jun 22, 2001
O.K. you guys, stop arguing, I was the first to upload a joke XP wallpaper(xp BoXXi style),and my girlfriend (Kylie Minogue) thinks it's much better than yours!
Seriously though, the wall that I made took about 7 minutes to make, and would have made the top 10 if I hadn't forgotten the lens flare (damn!)lol.

Helder: I agree with all that you said. I personally have never even looked twice at any XP walls, and find it hard to understand why people choose to use them. I would much rather spend my day looking at a Nuvem wallpaper than some blue screen with a Microsoft logo on it, after all, isn't that why we are skinners and artists, so that we can get away from what the corporate giants WANT us to have?. Think about it, these people are paying good money for programs like Window Blinds etc, and then using it to make their systems look like a Microsoft desktop!! Go figure.......
My conclusion and advice....... Get Litestep, a Nuvem wallpaper, and a LIFE!
on Jun 22, 2001
But BoXXi...I like to argue...

But if someone with the artistic prowess of Nuvem starts themeing for LiteSTEP, then what are mere mortals such as myself gonna do then?
Oh, I know....
While he's themeing, I'll have Nicole to myself.... OK, go for it, Helder...
on Jun 22, 2001
Yeah, I heard that while you were arguing about which flag to put out at the Australian Grand Prix, four cars crashed! lol.

BoXXi goes back to creating latest XP masterpiece...
Mac XP for Litestep ha ha.
on Jun 22, 2001
wow... something's going on.
OB section went down to 22 from 30 in the last 2hrs. And all the removed were XP themes...

on Jun 22, 2001
my one claim to fame:

I, Kenray, have never ever looked at an "XP" anything, on this site or any other. My eyes (and therefore, mind) remain in a state of XP-Virginity.

The simplest solution to the XP-lague is: abstinence....
on Jun 22, 2001
Treetog, this was the right thing to do, I mean if I ever get to 1º at top list (wich I doubt)I want it be for my value as a skiner or wallpaper artist.not this way.

Jafo, who needs Nicole when you have China;)
Anyway. she dumped me when she found I wouldn´t buy her some glue of diamonds she wanted:P
on Jun 22, 2001
Nuvem....this is true....
on Jun 22, 2001
Ok, I can see why people are upset over XP and I agree that a lot of talented artist don't stand a chance of getting into the top ten if there work is other than XP lately.

Worse thing is I was in the OB section just now, and every OB theme I saw was XP, and they all look identical now. I encouraged one of the artist to do something original. Hell I get asked to do this too. I was recently accused of having like 30 XP WB skins ! ok that just is NOT true, and there is now only a few of them on the site now. I have deleted the rest in favour of my recent upload which is the one I wanted all along to look like.

Feel sad at the fact that many talented Artists arn't getting into the top ten. I have spoken to Treetog about my real feelings on this. And hell I am not just doing XP stuff forever anyway. I have some stuff on deviantart that is not Microsoft.I started out like that, then tailed off. Ok maybe there is hope for me yet,

I do have to say though that it does take skill and talent to create any kind of WB Skin or any other skin for that matter. Not just about every one can use a Skinning program to start with. WB is not a piece of cake to learn. As for graphics, well. I did much of my graphics by hand too. Ok I know some people wont accept that. But that is the truth and I stand by that. Most XP skins I see except a small portion of them are bad copies of skin that were done before them. They should not have been submitted as there was no need for them. Alexandrie, Scratch, and even Dan Decampaneu created early Luna and Whistler skins. I ended up doing them after I had created a theme for Hoverdesk for them. Anyway,.

Dont worry guys it will all be over some time soon. When XP is out no one will touch another XP so and so on here anyway, and the real talent will still be here. I do think that some XP work should well be moderated, to keep the high quality of standards. Some should be but not all.

I know in fact this must already be happening anyway. As some of the XP stuff has vanished. I moderated my own skins, and removed theones that were not important anymore. I WAS thinking of doing an OB version, but I decided not to. There is still too many in that section.!

[And mostly by the same person] Thats why I have encouraged him to try new hights.
on Jun 23, 2001
craeonics sees my point proven that 90% of the world has no taste whatsoever

i keep telling you not to eat these things
if you wont take my very sensible advice, you will have to put up with this bland diet
on Jun 24, 2001
I don't see the problem. You're giving people what they want. You're making them happy. People *like* XP wallpaper, possibly because MS prices it high enough that not everyone can afford the real thing. Trying to force people to like stuff that seems good to you (but which they *don't* like) onto others isn't the way to please them, and in the end, there are obviously more of them. If you know you're good, and other skinners know you're good, should you care if you (or people *you* think are good) get in the top ten?
on Jun 24, 2001
TheGreenReaper...prostitution can be Art, but maybe Art shouldn't be prostituted....

Some of us here tried a simple experiment which succeeded all too well, sadly. Get a wall...add 'XP' to it, and observe.
This showed an obscene fascination out there for all things 'XP', irrelevant of the artistic content or merit.
It didn't matter too much whether it was a truly talented artist or just me doing it....the results were commensurate.
Now, should walls, skins, and themes, be driven by consumer demand or by individual artistic creativity?
The problem with XP walls and OS ports is at best, they can show technical ability and at worst they show no imagination at all....
on Jun 24, 2001
>Now, should walls, skins, and themes,
>be driven by consumer demand or by
>individual artistic creativity?

Nothing's driving them anywhere. If you want to look for skins that are in line with demand, go to the top 10 downloads. If you want to go by creativity . . . well, that's hard to judge, though I'm sure you could do it by having some people rate them and have a top 10 rated skins.

But as to what I think in this case, yes, I don't see that there's any problem in people giving other people what they want. If they don't appreciate the difference between good and bad art, does it really matter? They're happy, and that's part of what the skinner wanted to achieve, so everyone's happy.
on Jun 24, 2001
But should skins and walls be a product of supply and demand?
Should they be subject to the vagaries of pop-culture?
Are we doing this to be popular, or for ourselves?

Why am I asking so many questions?....
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